Saturday, 15 April 2017


Today’s topic is going to be about these
amazing vegetables. They are called Apaya
and in English Bitter Lemons.The reason
why it’s called bitter is because they have
this bitter taste in them and they have so
much, so many health benefits that can offer

I eat them pretty much because they have so
many benefits.Bitter lemon actually contains
a lot of flavonoids and alkaloids that make
the pancreas produce more insulin that
controls the blood sugar in diabetics, and
actually, helps to maintain your sugar
levels.Aside from implies medical value, it is
a good source of vitamin A and B and C
which is really good for obstruction of free
Everybody knows that
vitamin C it’s good for
maintaining your skin and
your foreskin, and it also
has iron and folic acid.You
don’t have your costume
from dairy, you can have
him in vegetables and they
also are rich in
antioxidants.Like I said it
protects our cells in our
body from damage and you
know like I said like an
absorption of free
radicals.Bitter lemon also
has an effective herbal
medicine and it’s been
tried in the Philippines.And
it’s an alternative medicine
for people who have liver
problems or diabetes and
even HIV.It also helps treat
skin disease if you live in a
cold country like England.
it’s it’s absolutely
amazing.If we cut Bitter
lemon at half there are
really strange things on the
inside.But if you take out
the seeds you can eat all
one piece of bitter lemon
But some people roll it because it has more
nutritional value and it doesn’t destroy the
minerals and it is not going to destroy the
transit investments inside him. It has so
many health benefits I mean it’s good for
gout problems and any diseases for your
liver and spleen, and also AIDS , low blood
sugars and it’s absolutely amazing it relieve
a headache.
It’s a good source of antioxidants and to get
rid off all the other bacteria.It’s absolutely
amazing and it’s really good if you have
some sort of constipation it relieves
diarrhea.If you add this with curry or
something vegan curry or just a stir fry you
gonna love it.So with all these things you
just read now,
I’m sure you are going to buy as soon as
possible this Bitter lemon.Hope all of you
like this post and if you have some other
questions about this thing, just e-mail us and
wait for more exciting answers.

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